Launching our new Key Stage 3 lesson

Our new Key Stage 3 lesson extends our messaging about relationships and stalking to younger students between 11 and 14 years old

This National Stalking Awareness Week, the Alice Ruggles Trust is launching a brand-new lesson for 11–14-year-olds to raise awareness of stalking.

NSAW 2024 focuses on ‘joining forces against stalking’ and aims to bring together different partners to work together to effectively support victims of stalking.  The Alice Ruggles Trust recognises the vital role education environments have in supporting students to recognise, respond to, and report stalking. Consequently, and also because of requests from professionals for more support for younger students, we have commissioned a new lesson for Key Stage 3 students.

This new lesson supports students to identify unacceptable behaviour, to know why it is unacceptable and when it should be reported, and to recognise the factual definition of stalking. It explains how the term ‘stalking’ is used in modern language and the effect this can have, how to report incidents, and how get support for oneself or for others if concerns arise. It compliments and builds on the successful Key Stage 4 lessons which have been downloaded many thousands of times.

Speaking about the new resource, Alice’s parents Sue and Clive said:

“We are delighted by the success of our Key Stage 4 lessons for 14- to 16-year-olds and how well they have been received by teachers and students. One comment we have heard consistently, however, is that there is a need to communicate our message to younger students. Our new Key Stage 3 lesson for 11-14-year-olds addresses this and we are confident it will help prevent what happened to Alice happening to others.”

The new lesson can be found on here on the Alice Ruggles Trust website as well as on the TES website and can be downloaded for free alongside teacher guidance notes.

Supercomplaint response published

Today has seen the release of the long-awaited report on the investigation into the National Stalking Consortium’s Super Complaint regarding the police response to stalking. The
