Video resources

The Broadly video

This powerful video highlights the dangers of stalking through the impact of the personal story of Alice told by her immediate family. It contains distressing material, although not distressing images.

There is a 5 min 30 sec version and a 7-minute version.

The original video was produced by Broadly UK as part of their “UnFollow Me” campaign calling for a register of stalking serial offenders.

About stalking video highlights

“That’s stalking!”

We have produced a three-minute animated video to raise awareness of stalking. It is freely available, in both English and Welsh.

It features two friends discussing the behaviour of an ex-partner. This is duly recognised as stalking, safety advice is given, and the victim is supported in making a police report. The aim of the video is to raise awareness of seemingly ‘low risk’ behaviours and encourage people to seek help.

The English version of the video has been available since December 2021 and has been disseminated widely. The Welsh version followed in April 2022 thanks to a grant from the Welsh Government and has been delivered into schools throughout Wales.

As with all our work, our mission is to ensure victims recognise stalking for what it is, that friends and family are able to support them and give good advice, and that criminal justice professionals are equipped to respond appropriately to suspected stalking cases.

We hope this easily accessible video will go a long way to helping achieve this and encourage everyone to share it as widely as possible.

You can also watch these videos on YouTube:

Alice Ruggles Trust Playlist

2 Videos

Guidance videos for our KS4 PSHE lessons

These three videos are aimed at anyone delivering our Key Stage 4 PSHE lessons in schools who has little or no prior knowledge of the issues involved.

They have been developed by Durham Constabulary, whose Community Support Officers (PCSOs) started delivering our resources into schools in their county back in 2019.

The three videos—one for each lesson—go through the exercises in detail, explain the background, and talk through how to deliver the lessons and the responses that should be given to pupils.

In order to access the guidance videos, please take a couple of moments to complete the form below (it is very quick). You will then be redirected to the links.

There is also a preview trailer available on YouTube.

Alice Ruggles Trust relationship safety resource image

Requesting guidance videos

Why are we asking you to complete this form?
We are happy to supply these videos free of charge but we would like to get some idea of who is using them. For this reason, please take a couple of moments to complete the form below (it is very quick). You will then be redirected to the links.

We are also asking for your email address and consent so that we can request feedback from you at a later stage. Such feedback will be critical for us in sustaining and improving these resources in the future. Thank you!

Data are collected and stored in-line with our privacy policy.