Stalking is shockingly widespread

We are working to change this, for good.

We focus on the long term

Our mission is to foster generations of young people who understand stalking, the potential risks of stalking, and what they can do about it.

We achieve this by

educating today’s young people about stalking;

upskilling professionals working with young people;
developing intervention programmes to prevent young people becoming stalkers.


We offer a range of free resources to help raise general awareness of stalking, particularly amongst young people and those who work with them.


We provide a range of services aimed at professionals who work, or might come into contact, with victims or perpetrators of stalking.


We provide information and advice so that stalking victims and those around them—as well as those in danger of developing stalking-related behaviours—know how, and have the confidence, to seek support.

Cyclists at Alice Ruggles Trust charity event

We depend critically upon your generosity in order to continue our work to tackle and prevent stalking.


Regular donations are a lifeline for us, as they enable long-term planning.


Fundraising activities and events provide lump sums which we can use for specific projects such as information videos.


Volunteers are vital to us for everything from delivering school assemblies to designing social media output.

Partner with us

Business and public sector partnerships enable us to run or participate in larger projects that would be unthinkable otherwise.


“I have 18 years in the police and have spoken to more victims of domestic and sexual violence than most. I do my very best every day to help my colleagues identify the seriousness of stalking. And above all try to make sure the victims voice is being heard. My sincerest thanks.”
Conference participant
“I am sure Alice is very proud of the work that you do in her name and you will never know how many people’s lives you’ve changed and indeed saved. Thank you from victims and survivors everywhere.”
Presentation attendee
Victim Support
“Using [Alice’s story] is so impactful for young individuals like us. I found it great that you also showed us the behaviours of stalking and that if you are a stalker yourself, helplines are out there to solve your fixations and obsessions. As a victim of sexual abuse myself, it touched me when you said: ‘it is never your fault.’ When anything along those lines happens to you, you blame yourself and it was like a breath of fresh air hearing someone saying that, even if not directed specifically at me.”
Assembly attendee
School student

Our partners

These are some of the charities, businesses, and public sector bodies we are delighted to be working in partnership with:

Alice’s story

Alice Ruggles