Stalking Safety Checklist image

Launching our Stalking Safety Checklist

Working with Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service, we have developed a simple checklist to support schools in creating a full support network around young people to help them recognise and report stalking

This National Stalking Awareness Week we are ‘Joining Forces Against Stalking’—highlighting the value of people working together to combat this horrific crime.  The Alice Ruggles Trust, alongside Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service, is inviting schools to Join Forces Against Stalking through our Stalking Prevention Checklist.

This aims to provide education establishments with a holistic roadmap to help prevent stalking.  The checklist covers six main themes: policies, safeguarding, learning, partners, campaigning, and parents. It is freely available from our website along with all our education resources.

Speaking about the new checklist, the Alice Ruggles Trust’s co-founder and chair Prof. Clive Ruggles said: 

“The Alice Ruggles Trust believes that education is crucial in preventing stalking. We are aware of the pressures that schools face and of their responsibilities to support young people into adulthood, which is why we want to join forces to help them tackle this important issue. Alongside the Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service, we have developed a simple checklist to enable schools to provide young people with a full support network if they experience stalking. We hope the Stalking Prevention Checklist will be a valuable tool for all education environments.”

Supercomplaint response published

Today has seen the release of the long-awaited report on the investigation into the National Stalking Consortium’s Super Complaint regarding the police response to stalking. The
