National Stalking Awareness Week 2024

The theme for this year’s NSAW is “Join Forces Against Stalking”, focusing on multi-agency working. We are planning a number of activities during the week

National Stalking Awareness Week 2024

April 22–26, 2024, is National Stalking Awareness Week. The theme for this year’s NSAW is “Join Forces Against Stalking”, focusing on the multi-agency working that is crucial in order to ensure victims of stalking are supported from their point of disclosure right through until a conviction and beyond. The National Stalking Consortium, of which the Alice Ruggles Trust is a member, is calling for agencies across the police, CPS and healthcare to join forces, and work together to effectively support victims of stalking. The Suzy Lamplugh Trust’s on-line conference will be showcasing examples of best practice and highlighting the important role multi-agency working has played for the victims it supports.

We are planning a number of our own activities during the week, starting with the launch on Monday of our new Key Stage 3 PSHE lesson on healthy relationships and stalking. Follow us on social media at any time to stay up to date with everything going on. Find us on X (formerly Twitter), Instagram and Facebook to get involved in the conversation!

Best Practice is also the theme of our annual hybrid conference (physically in Leicester and online), which this year will be held over two days on November 6–7. See here for more information.

Supercomplaint response published

Today has seen the release of the long-awaited report on the investigation into the National Stalking Consortium’s Super Complaint regarding the police response to stalking. The
