Alice Ruggles Trust charity event

Huge thanks to all our fundraisers!

Each year, fundraisers raise incredible amounts for the Alice Ruggles Trust in a variety of ways. Congratulations and huge thanks to them all.

Over the past few years, fundraisers have run, cycled, swum, or walked across the country or up mountains to raise money for us, while others have organised fun days, football events, and lunches. And during lockdown we ran a “24forAlice Challenge” that was hugely successful—enabling people to achieve a personal goal during the pandemic while also supporting our vital work.

We are hugely grateful to all of you. Please keep it up!

If you would like to fundraise for us, or would simply like to know a bit more about what others have done, please visit our Fundraising page.

Supercomplaint response published

Today has seen the release of the long-awaited report on the investigation into the National Stalking Consortium’s Super Complaint regarding the police response to stalking. The
